In Memoriam Beth O'Hara, FN I was deeply saddened this week to hear of the passing of my dear friend, Beth O'Hara, of Newport, Kentucky. We've known each other for quite some time and were brought together through our mutual...
Rezzimax Tuner Blog
Learning from Nature: Tapping into the Healing Power of a Cat's Purr
Growing up in a small agricultural town had many advantages for my young self, including the benefit of having a wide variety of creatures to befriend. I can still remember lying down in the straw with one of our several...
Achieving Shoulder Pain Relief with the Rezzimax Pain Tuner Pro
Professional Spotlight - Dr. Kelly Farmer and Enhancing Chiropractic Techniques with the Rezzimax Tuner
Last week, we had the privilege of having Dr. Kelly Farmer come up to our offices here in Logan, Utah to spend the day with us. He ranks among the top 10 in the world in the field of muscle...