Stress Down-Regulation (Rezzilience) Rezzipe - Tuner Pro II

Principles of the Brain and the Stress Response

The brain is wired to create “superhighways” which create patterns of behavior and automatic reaction.

• Good and bad experiences make us more efficient.
• Strong beliefs and patterns of behavior - wired neural pathways are wrapped with myelin sheaths to block out interference, creating “super-highways.”

Our Stress Down-Regulation program “bombs” these old super-highways, putting ruts and holes in them so it will be easier to create new and powerful neural pathways free from the intrusive trauma patterns. Examples:

• A person addicted to pornography who struggles with the chemicals and wiring in his/her brain and wants to view the pornography (the old highway) needs to be able to more easily access the new highway of choosing a better activity and avoiding the old patterns of choice.
• A person with Alcoholism who recalls bad experiences on a regular basis that wants to alleviate the tension caused by bad memories. The brain seeking relief will find something to fill the void.
• We wonder if it is possible to create new “brain muscle memory” to heal and down-regulate the nervous system.

Preparing to undergo the Stress Down-Regulation process.

• Identify what you want to work on – a feeling, a memory, an experience, a fear, etc.
• Journaling can help

The Stress Down-Regulation Rezzipe

• Tuner: Velcro Strap, Trauma Exercise Strap
• Mode/Level: Blue, Green, Red or White Mode
• Duration: 10 minutes
• Pressure: Light
• Location: Legs

Step 1:

Start by thinking of a stressor or worry from your past, present or future. Note current pain/stress level from Low (1) to High (10).

Step 2:

Strap the Rezzimax Tuner to the non-dominant lower extremity. Turn on an algorithm pattern. • Billions of bits of carefully calibrated information will be sent to the brain at the same time you are thinking about a Stressful event or a Worry or Fear you may have. This will help break up painful patterns. The resonance helps by sending the brain data from hundreds of thousands of sensors in joints, ligaments, muscles, and cells throughout the body. The balanced resonant vibration simply accelerates the process.

Step 3:

Place the knot in the middle of a strap or rope in the space between the door and the door frame near the hinges and shut the door tightly. Place it at the middle hinge level to anchor the strap tightly. Alternatively hug an exercise ball, pillow, chair or your legs

Step 4:

Put your dominant (dominant side is generally the side that you use to write) foot back, the non-dominant foot in front, so you are balanced, and then squat down slightly and pull firmly against the strap to engage the core muscles. Keep this tension against the strap while performing the exercise.

Step 5:

Turn your head to the dominant side. Turning your head to the dominant side keeps the body from turning on the stress chemicals. (Imagine the face of someone experiencing some type of stressful event, their jaws are clenched, neck muscles are tense and tight, and they may even have bulging veins in their temples)! Turning the head to the side weakens the strength of one of those neck muscles (the sternocleidomastoid on the dominant side). Turning our heads to the dominant side weakens the physiological stress in the neck area to allow the calming chemicals to flow more easily.