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Travel Tip: 9 Ways to Get Relief from Leg Cramps and Other Travel Related Pain

Travel Tip: 9 Ways to Get Relief from Leg Cramps and Other Travel Related Pain

Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, but sitting in one position for hours at a time can take a toll on your body, and cause all kinds of health issues. Whether you're embarking on a long-haul flight, an extended road trip, or even a marathon train ride, sitting for several hours can result in discomfort and pain. 

Today's experience comes from an email we received from one of our newest customers from California! As a frequent traveler, she often gets leg cramps that last well beyond her flight time. Watch the video above to listen to her experience using the Rezzimax Tuner Pro II to bring circulation and vitality back to her lower limbs:

"Rezzimax is great to relieve the cramp. I had a severe cramp on both my legs the other night during the sleep, I have tried to stretch, massage them to no avail. Then I put the Rezzimax on the cramped muscle, the muscle relaxed in a short while. I am so happy. Rezzimax will be my travel essential from now on. Thank you."

Why Does Prolonged Sitting Cause Pain?

When you sit for extended periods of time, your body's natural alignment and circulation can get disrupted. You might start noticing some of these conditions:

  1. Leg Cramps and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): Prolonged sitting can cause blood to pool in your legs, leading to leg cramps and, in severe cases, DVT—a condition where blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs. You might have DVT if you notice any swelling, pain, and redness.

  2. Lower Back Pain: Poor posture and sitting for long hours puts a whole lot of pressure on your spine, especially if you’re slouching. This can lead to lower back pain, stiffness, and even chronic conditions like sciatica.

  3. Neck and Shoulder Pain: Sitting in a seat for hours at a time can strain your neck and shoulders, leading to pain and discomfort. This is often exacerbated by using electronic devices like laptops and smartphones. Keep an eye out for any tightness or pain in your shoulders and neck.

  4. Hip Pain: Too much time on your gluteus maximus tightens the hip flexors, which ends up manifesting as hip pain and discomfort. This tightness results in affecting your overall posture and movement patterns.

Tips to Alleviate Pain and Discomfort

Is traveling a passion for you, or even a necessity, but the the pain from being sedentary is more than you can bear? There is hope for you yet! You can prevent and calm the pain associated with prolonged sitting during travel with these great tips:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of H2O is crucial. Hydration helps maintain healthy circulation and reduces the risk of cramps and blood clots. 

  2. Move Regularly: All of those extra fluids you're drinking have an added benefit: you'll need to get up more often to visit the lavatory or to stretch your legs at the nearest rest stop! Getting up at least once per hour is a great way to keep the blood flowing. On a plane, take a walk down the aisle. On a road trip, take breaks to stretch and walk around. Movement promotes blood flow and reduces stiffness.

  3. Stretching Exercises: Try some simple stretching exercises into your travel routine! Stretch your calves, thighs, back, and neck to relieve tension and improve flexibility. If the person in the seat next to you gives you a strange look, feel free to share this article with them. They'll thank you later!

  4. Use Supportive Gear: You might want to pack an travel pillow. In fact, the Rezzimax Pillow is the perfect travel companion! lumbar supports, and compression socks. These tools can provide additional support and enhance comfort.

  5. Maintain Good Posture: Sit with your back straight and shoulders relaxed. Use a cushion or rolled-up towel to support your lower back and maintain the natural curve of your spine. When you're traveling and looking at a tablet or phone, try positioning it so that its directly in front of you.

  6. Exercise Regularly: Making a daily routine of taking care of your body can make a big difference when you're on the road. Regular exercise, especially activities that strengthen the core and improve flexibility, can help prevent pain and discomfort during those long periods of sitting.

  7. Wear Comfortable Clothing: Do you miss the days when people used to dress up to take a flight? As great of an experience it was, today's athleisure wearing travelers are onto something when it comes to being comfortable in-flight. Tight clothing can restrict blood flow, leading to discomfort. Wear loose, comfortable clothes, especially on long journeys.

  8. Elevate Your Legs: If possible, elevate your legs to reduce swelling and improve circulation. It might be hard to do this while sitting in coach, but get creative! Try making a footrest out of a carry-on, take advantage of an empty seat next to you or even cross your legs every now and then. 

  9. Try the Resonance of the Rezzimax Tuner: Here's a great idea - Stick the Tuner Pro II, or the even more travel friendly Tuner Mini, into your carry-on next time you fly. Giving yourself a tune-up is the perfect way to pass the time as you watch the animated plane on your screen move slowly across the map.
    Our Rezzipes are not only great ways to fend off the travel aches and cramps, but can resolve any head pain. Do you have trouble getting your ears to pop with changes in altitude? Place the Tuner near your ear and then open and close your mouth as wide as you can. It's even better than chewing on gum!

Traveling should be a pleasurable experience, not a painful one. By understanding the causes of discomfort from prolonged sitting and implementing these practical tips, you can ensure a more comfortable journey. Stay active, stay hydrated, and prioritize good posture to keep pain at bay and enjoy your travels to the fullest. Most important of all, don't forget to bring your Rezzimax along with you! Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in making your trip both enjoyable and pain-free.

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