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Learning from Nature: Tapping into the Healing Power of a Cat's Purr

Learning from Nature: Tapping into the Healing Power of a Cat's Purr

Growing up in a small agricultural town had many advantages for my young self, including the benefit of having a wide variety of creatures to befriend. I can still remember lying down in the straw with one of our several farm cats nestled up to me. More often than not, they'd start that low rumble of purring, that would almost instantly put me at ease. Who'd have thought that later on in life, these experiences would be crucial in helping thousands of others to heal!

The Purring Mechanism

Cats are not only beloved for their playful antics and independent charm but also for their soothing purrs. How do felines create that unique sound? They purr using their laryngeal (voice box) muscles twitching at a rapid rate, causing a sudden separation of the vocal cords as they breathe in and out.  

A Cat's Own Home Remedy

Cats purr not only when they're content but also when they're in pain, anxious, or even when they're close to death. It works as their very own self-soothing mechanism. Looking at this photo, you can almost hear the Momma cat's calming purr as her kittens nurse.

Research has found that the specific frequency range of 20 to 150 Hz has been shown to promote healing in bones and tissues, reduce pain and swelling, and improve respiratory function. Interestingly, we're learning that this frequency range corresponds to the natural resonance frequencies of human and animal bodies and promotes healing.

Can a Purr Help You?

Back in 2001, the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America published a study looking at the potential health benefits of a cat's purr for humans. From this and other research since then, we've learned a lot about what it can do for us two-legged mammals:

  1. Stress Reduction - If you already have a feline in your family, you probably already know that listening to a cat's purr can lower stress levels. The calming effect of the sound helps to reduce the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, leading to a more relaxed state.

  2. Lower Blood Pressure - We might just have to name our next cat "Lipitor" after learning that petting a purring cat can lower blood pressure. The repetitive nature of the purr, along with the tactile sensation of petting, can have a calming effect on the body which reduces hypertension.

  3. Bone Healing - This one might come as a surprise! Studies have shown that the lower vibration frequencies of 25 to 50 Hz are ideal for promoting bone density and healing fractures. In fact, it can reduce the amount of time a fracture needs to heal by as much as 60 percent! This can be particularly beneficial for elderly people or those recovering from surgery.

  4. Pain Relief - The low-frequency vibrations can act as a natural analgesic, reducing the perception of pain. If you have chronic pain, snuggling up to your cat can be quite relieving.

  5. Improved Respiratory Health - When people hear the words "cat" and "sinuses" in the same sentence, it usually brings thoughts of itchy eyes, sneezing and difficulty breathing. Who'd have thought that purring vibrations can help open airways and ease breathing difficulties? This can be particularly beneficial for those of us who have respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Learning From Nature

Early on in the development of the Rezzimax Tuner, we wanted to take what we had learned about a cat's purr and find a way to integrate it into the device. Our testers had gone through hundreds of different vibration products - from toothbrushes to massagers - but none of them had a vibrational frequency that matched the range of a cat's purr. This is when we decided to commission a motor that was designed specifically for our Tuner, the first of its kind to mimic the 20 to 150 Hz range of that calming feline rumbling. The results were amazing! The efficacy of our prototypes greatly improved, and we felt like we'd unlocked one of Nature's secrets.   

A Convenient Solution

 Is it any wonder that our customers and patients have reported experiencing the same benefits when using the Rezzimax Tuner Pro II? When you look at Tuner Mini, it kind of looks like the shape of a cat's face! The next time you're in need of some comfort, hold your Tuner to your chest, select the white algorithm and imagine that you're holding onto your most cherished tabby. You'll love how familiar it can be. 
