Are you at the right place ?

Are you at the right place ?


Advanced Rezzipes - Vertigo

Step 1 

Use the Tuner wing to scrape your foot and between the toes. Repeat on your other foot. 

Step 2 

Use the Tuner wing to scrape your entire leg, starting at your calf, then finish all the way up to the hip. Repeat on your other leg.

Step 3

Scrape hand and between the fingers with wing using firm pressure. 

Step 4

Scrape arm starting at the fingertips all the way to the shoulder with wing using firm pressure.

Step 5

Only do this step if your head and neck are tolerating the vibrations of the Tuner without any discomfort. If you're using the Tuner Pro II, attach the tongs and place them on the back of your neck. If you have the Tuner Mini, place it in the extremity strap and attach it so that it's lightly pressing against the back of your head.

Let's start by turning your head as far to the left side as possible. Orient your eyes to something specific in the corner of your vision. Then move your eyes in an X pattern, followed by a plus pattern. Now turn your head to the right side and repeat.

Continue to alternate between sides and patterns for up to five minutes. If you're having issues with dizziness, go ahead and look straight forward instead of turning your neck. Try switching it up and strap the Tuner to your calf as you do the visual orientation. You might see a difference in results.