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Advanced Rezzipes - Concussion

Wait a couple of days before doing anything around the head and face, start
with hands and feet – if you can tolerate around the head and face and helps feel better, then can work in that area, but be aware that it could disorient them further the first couple days.

Step 1 

Use the Tuner wing to scrape your foot and between the toes. Repeat on your other foot. 

Step 2 

Use the Tuner wing to scrape your entire leg, starting at your calf, then finish all the way up to the hip. Repeat on your other leg.

Step 3

You might need an assistant to scrape your back. Start at the base of your tailbone and scrape up towards your neck.

Step 4

Use the Tuner wing to scrape between your fingers and on both sides of your hand. 

Step 5

Use the Tuner wing to scrape up your arms, from your wrist to your shoulder. Make sure to pay attention to any sore or tender areas. 

Step 6 

Place the Tuner on the back of the neck. If you're using the Tuner Pro II, attach the tongs, place them so that they are on both sides of the neck. Turn your head as far to the left side as possible. Orient your eyes to something specific in the corner of your vision, then make an x-pattern using your eyes, then make a plus-pattern. Turn head to the right side and repeat. Continue to alternate sides and patterns for up to 5 minutes.
If you're having issues with dizziness during this step, look straight forward instead of turning your neck. 

Step 7

Grab the oral attachment and place it on the tip of the Tuner, making sure it seats completely. Go ahead and place the mouthpiece in your mouth. Bite down with a light amount of pressure for five seconds, then relax your jaw for another five seconds.

Continue with the biting exercise and add in some eye movement. Move your eyes around your field of vision, starting with a plus pattern followed by an X pattern. Keep doing the biting and eye movement simultaneously for five minutes.

Step 8

Select Green Mode on your Tuner. On your weaker leg, use the extremity pack with the Mini, or the tongs and strap with the Tuner Pro II, to attach the Tuner to your calf with a light amount of pressure.
If you're experiencing acute symptoms. Walk around for ten minutes. For chronic symptoms, you'll want to extend the time to 60 minutes.