Peripheral Neuropathy - Rezzimax & Stimpod Rezzipes

Soothe nerve discomfort and improve sensation with this step-by-step Rezzipe for treating peripheral neuropathy using the Rezzimax Tuner and Stimpod. By combining resonance therapy with targeted neurostimulation, this approach helps to calm irritated nerves, enhance circulation, and promote nerve regeneration.

Using both tools together provides:

  • Relief from tingling, burning, and numbness by calming nerve pathways
  • Improved nerve communication to restore sensation and mobility
  • Enhanced circulation and healing for long-term nerve health

Follow this guide to experience the combined power of vibration and electrical stimulation for effective peripheral neuropathy relief!

Don't forget to place your tongue between your teeth and hum gently while you use the Stimpod and Tuner, while breathing out for four times as long as you breathe in. This helps your vagus nerve to magnify the positive effects.

Step 1:

  • Device: Stimpod NMS 460, Stimulation Probe and Cables, Electrode Pad, Conductive Treatment Gel
  • mA/Hz: 9 mA/2 Hz
  • Duration: 3 Minutes for Each Location
  • Pressure: Light
  • Location: Across Navel

Setting Up

Connect the green plug of the cable into the top port of the Stimpod. Next, pull out a square electrode and remove the plastic, exposing the adhesive. Place the electrodes so that it's covering the tips of your toes and also the pad of your foot.

Stimpod Operation

Press the power button to boot up the Stimpod. You can use the button on the top left to adjust the intensity of the pulses. The button on the top right adjusts the frequency of the pulses and should be set at two Hz. You'll use the scroll wheel in the center of the device to make smaller adjustments as needed.

Pick up the stimulation probe and add a small amount of conductive treatment gel to the tip. This will improve the connection between the Stimpod and your body.

Set the Stimpod to 9 mA. You can turn it to a lower intensity if it feels uncomfortable. Place the tip of the probe on your common peroneal or fibular nerve, just below your knee on the outside of the leg. Keep it here for 3 minutes.

Move the probe to your posterior tibial nerve, which is the end of your sciatic nerve behind your medial malleolus or the inner ankle bone. We'll wait another 3 minutes to finish. Go ahead and repeat this step on your other leg.

Step 2:

  • Tuner: Wing
  • Level: Highest Comfortable Level
  • Duration: 2 Minutes
  • Pressure: Deep
  • Location: Between Toes

Take the tip of the Tuner and scrape in between your toes, making sure get both sides of each toe. 

Scrape the bottom of your foot, starting at the toes and moving towards your heel for one minute.

Scrape across the pad of your foot just under your toes for 30 seconds. Once you've finished the first foot, go ahead and move to the other.

Step 3

  • Tuner: Wing
  • Level: Highest Comfortable Level
  • Duration: 2 Minutes
  • Pressure: Deep
  • Location: Foot

Use the tip of the Tuner wing to make a channeling motion along the bottom of your foot, from the toes to your heel. Start at the space between your first and second toes, the move to the next space with each motion.

When you've finished with each web, rotate the Tuner wing so that you're using the corner of the scraping edge to scoop along the same lines. Switch to your other foot and repeat the step.

Step 4:

  • Tuner: Wing
  • Level: Highest Comfortable Level
  • Duration: 2 Minutes
  • Pressure: Deep
  • Location: Ankle and Calf

Use the tip of the Tuner wing to make a channeling motion on the medial side of the ankle and calf in the space behind the Achilles tendon and the Fibula, from the ankle to the knee.

Repeat along the lateral side of the ankle and calf. 

Use the tip of the Tuner wing and make a scooping motion moving up the lateral side of your leg.

Now switch to the medial, or inside of your leg. Switch to your other leg and repeat the step.


You can also do these steps on your hands and arms!