Overcoming Anosmia by Treating Sensory Nerves with Resonance Therapy
Did you know that your tongue can only taste five different sensations on its own? That's right! If its sweet, sour, salty, bitter or savory, your clapper can tell the difference. But wait - If it can only distinguish five different tastes, then how does an apple taste so much different than an orange? That's where our amazing sense of smell comes in.
Our noses can detect over ONE TRILLION different scents! As our tongue transmits the basic flavor of food to our brains, our nose adds a beautiful array of variety. Have you ever noticed how food tastes bland when you have a cold?
Say hello to Elaine, who spent years without her sense of smell. She heard about the Rezzimax Tuner from a family member and decided to give it a try. Check out what she had to say about her experience:
"About three years ago, I had a nasal infection that was so bad that I lost my sense of smell. I went to doctors and specialists, and they all concurred that once the sense of smell is gone, it's gone forever. There is really nothing they can do to bring it back. I first heard about Mr. Peck from my daughter in law, who had been to many doctors, to try and find something that would help with her migraine headaches. Nothing had ever helped.
Then she went to see Mr. Peck and used his Tuner, and she found that it really helped. Then I saw a video of Mr. Peck working with several other people who had different ailments, and I was interested in the things he was trying to do. My husband has had problems with his balance for several years, and nobody had any thing that helped us in any way.
So we went to see Mr. Peck and he introduced us to his Rezzimax Tuner. While I was helping my husband, I had a cold, and so I used the Tuner to try and relieve some of the congestion, which it did. It also resulted in once in a while I would smell something again that I hadn't smelled for several years.
It's been about two months since I started using this Tuner, and I have had new things develop so that I am able to smell things more and more. As the time went on. Yesterday I baked bread and I could smell the bread as it was baking. And today, as I did the laundry and folded sheets, I could smell the freshness of the sheets. It's amazing to me how much my sense of smell has returned in such a short time. Something that I had thought I had lost forever."
Does Elaine's symptoms sound familiar? Check out our Taste & Smell Rezzipe to learn how to promote healing for your senses!