What to Expect in 2025 from Rezzimax
🕰️ 2024 was a huge year for all of us! We saw the introduction of the Tuner Mini, enhanced levels on the Tuner Pro II, and all kinds of new Rezzipes and resources to help you get the most out of your Tuning experience.
🗺️ We also hit the road and visited some of you in places like Virginia, Arizona, Nevada and even Australia!
🥳 For 2025, we'd love to keep that momentum going. Check out the video below to hear Sharik give some teasers on what we have planned.
📅 Don’t forget to keep an eye on our events calendar for more learning opportunities.
❓ What do you think? Is there something you're hoping to see this year? Let us know in the comments!
#rezzimaxtuner #naturalpainrelief #empiricaldata #medicaldevices #therapytools
"So what are you going to expect from Reza max in 2025? You're going to see several research articles using the Rezzimax Tuner that will be published. We have publication dates of some of the research.
You're also going to see some unique changes made to the Mini. It will be back in production very, very soon and has some significant improvements that will make it continue to be a well-loved tool.
You'll also see some improvements in the Tuner and with the motors that we use and the manufacturing processes that we're going through to be able to help more people experience our tools over the coming years."