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Posts tagged "TMJ"

If I stub my toe, it hurts. If you stub your toe, it hurts. My pain is the same as your pain, right? Actually, no. Pain is, in fact, very different based on gender! During the 188th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Jennifer Kelly, Ph.D. discussed three differences between how men and women experience pain and how that can influence chronic pain. Also included are some great tips for reducing chronic pain!


The vagus nerve, also called the wandering nerve, wanders from the brain to the lowest levels of your intestines (gut). On the way, it touches most of the major organs in the body. Because the vagus nerve covers so much vital territory, it is an important part of the communication chain in the body. Gut instincts are information that is literally transferred from the gut (intestines) to the brain via the vagus nerve. Studies have shown that the information traveling along this nerve affect your emotional state. Why does your gut care about your emotional state? Why might we get indigestion due to stress?