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Rezzimax Tuner Blog

Posts tagged "stress"

Yawning has a powerful impact. If you see someone yawn, or if you think about one, you yawn. Why? Because your body knows it is good! A yawn stretches the jaws wide, increasing blood flow to the neck, face and head. The deep breath pumps the blood, spinal fluid moves, oxygen levels increase, body temperature and metabolism adjust. Yawn again. You have just accomplished something incredible! You are not bored or tired, you are lifehacking!


Sometimes we are confronted with mystery illnesses, changing symptoms, and health challenges that just don’t seem to make sense. They don’t follow normal patterns, and they don’t stick to a known list of symptoms. The vagus nerve connects the brain, the spine, and the gut (as well as all other organs), carrying messages to and fro. More and more researchers are starting to wonder if it is the cause, or at least a partial cause, of these mysterious health challenges.


The vagus nerve, also called the wandering nerve, wanders from the brain to the lowest levels of your intestines (gut). On the way, it touches most of the major organs in the body. Because the vagus nerve covers so much vital territory, it is an important part of the communication chain in the body. Gut instincts are information that is literally transferred from the gut (intestines) to the brain via the vagus nerve. Studies have shown that the information traveling along this nerve affect your emotional state. Why does your gut care about your emotional state? Why might we get indigestion due to stress?