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Rezzimax Tuner Blog

Posts tagged "Rezzimax"

The world seems to force our focus on always striving to be better, to achieve more, that if we aren’t perfect we are failures. If we are tired, we are encouraged to take something to help us push on; we are never given a chance to rest, to feel peace, to be still and renew our souls. Renee had discovered that there is great power to be had when we stop and realize that we are doing something of worth, that we are accomplishing good, that we are blessed and a blessing. As she focused for three minutes a day on gratitude, the three minutes carried over to the rest of her day. Her attitude changed, and her viewpoint on life changed. Instead of despair, she began to feel hope.


If I stub my toe, it hurts. If you stub your toe, it hurts. My pain is the same as your pain, right? Actually, no. Pain is, in fact, very different based on gender! During the 188th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Jennifer Kelly, Ph.D. discussed three differences between how men and women experience pain and how that can influence chronic pain. Also included are some great tips for reducing chronic pain!


Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could just plug ourselves in when we aren’t feeling well and “recharge”?  But wait, we are thinking, doing, human beings. We don’t have to just sit there and take it! Be proactive! Increase your immune system by feeding your body healthy foods. Exercise and pump life-giving oxygen through your body. Yawn and stimulate blood flow. Grab your Rezzimax Tuner and tune your body!


My science teacher taught me “always avoid always and never say never.” It really is a good theory....Before you consume (or use) something, you should have 1) a general idea of your health 2) an idea of how much (or little) of a good thing is bad and 3) how a product works and should be used. Let’s learn about the Rezzimax Tuner Pro. It can manage anyone’s pain. Or can it?