Professional Spotlight - Trish Sherwood

Professional Spotlight - Trish Sherwood

I’m Trish Sherwood. I am a Trauma and Resilience Life Coach in Snowflake, Arizona.
I’ve been a student of complex trauma for almost 20 years and have worked as a facilitator for numerous recovery group meetings. As the owner of Trauma TLC, I teach self-care & regulation classes and coach private clients.

This probably sounds weird but, I’m actually grateful for my own battles with attention deficit-hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) because they have led me to a field where I feel that I can help others with similar challenges. My own experiences, coupled with my training, has given me a whole new level of compassion and grace for the human race.

I started using the Rezzimax Pain Tuner a little over a year ago and have used it for a myriad of issues including trauma release, sciatic nerve pain, back pain, knee pain, vertigo, headaches, anxiety and even healing a lump in my cats neck!

Using the Rezzimax for trauma release has transformed my life and my coaching practice so much that I wanted to share Sharik and his technique with everyone!
That is why I organized a Vibrational Trauma Release Seminar, coming up on October 24th, in Mesa Arizona at the Mesa Police Fiesta District Station from 9-4. Here’s an overview of the seminar:


Morning Session

Sharik will demonstrate vibrational concepts to calm the central nervous system to assist bringing a client to a safe place, calming the pathological response to trauma remembered or not remembered, and providing immediate pain relief.

Lunch Served

Afternoon Session

Sharik will demonstrate how vibration can break up negative neural pathways of trauma, rewrite new ones that release positive neurotransmitters and build an increase in resilience in the nervous system. Sharik will guide audience volunteers through the process and invite them to share the immediate shifts they experience. If you would like to try the exercises along with Sharik, you may bring and use your own haptic feedback pattern generator device, such as an electric toothbrush, or there will be some sample REZZIMAX tools available to try during the seminar.

I’m very excited to learn more advanced techniques to help me in my practice.
October is a beautiful time to visit Arizona! I would love to see you there! Reserve your spot by visiting the registration page.

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