A Pain Management Collaboration - Professional Spotlight

As we’ve been on our journey of sharing the amazing benefits of the Rezzimax Tuner, we often come across other practitioners and professionals who are working towards the same goals in patient care. What I love about these interactions is the opportunity to learn from each other and find ways to make our approaches to treatment even more effective. In fact, many of the updates and design changes we’ve implemented on the Tuner over the years are the result of these invaluable relationships with our friends who are on the same mission. I think it would be really beneficial to our Rezzimax customers if we take some time occasionally to shine a spotlight on these professionals and maybe help you to find even more ways to enhance your quality of life.

I’d like to introduce you to someone who crossed paths with me and has really left an impression: Dr. Kieran Collins (a chiropractor from New Jersey) and I met at a medical conference, where he was demonstrating a device called the Stimpod along with Stan Esecson, the Stimpod US Distributor. Dr. Collins first tried the Stimpod almost four years ago and was impressed with how it worked wonders on a wide variety of nerve related motion and pain conditions. Since then, it has become an indispensable tool in his practice.

I was fascinated with their research and started wondering about using the Stimpod in concert with the Rezzimax Tuner. Both devices could be used to treat many of the same symptoms, but each had a unique approach to treatment. The Tuner uses resonance therapy combined with stress management techniques, while the Stimpod implements a non-invasive pulsed electromagnetic frequency for nerve functionality restoration.

We tried using Rezzimax and Stimpod on some doctors who were attending the conference. We were very pleasantly surprised. Using one device was good- using both devices was even better. Since that first day at the conference, I have watched several individuals treated with both therapies improve with neuropathy, pain relief, and improved functioning when using both therapies together. I have also seen many doctors reporting the improvements are magnified using both technologies at the same time.

The Stimpod complements the therapeutic benefits of the Rezzimax Tuner quite well, and would be a great addition to the toolbelt of practitioners. I’d like to extend an invitation to all of our Rezzimax practitioners to reach out and learn more by visiting www.seestimpodinaction.info and absorbing some of the great information there. For our customers who purchased the Rezzimax Tuner for home use, there are many practitioners who can offer treatment with the Stimpod. Reach out to Stan at the website above and he can get you connected.
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