Limited Seating - Don't Miss Out!

Come join us this year for a conference specifically for healthcare and healing professionals.

What is the Rezzimax Pain Tuner?

Rezzimax® is the world-renowned, non-invasive neurological device for restimulating the vagus nerve and central nervous system which is responsible for the proper function of so many systems within our body.

A small, yet powerful handheld device that produces stimulation through variable vibration frequencies, it allows for movement activation and sensation. By improving nerve function, and sending blood flow to the areas that are causing you pain or symptoms, you can finally repair broken pathways in your body that have been preventing you from truly healing.

Natural relief for TMJ, TMD, sinus congestion, neck pain and more!

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  • Try it for 60 Days

    Do you want to try out the Rezzimax Tuner but are still unsure? We'll make it easy for you! Try it for 60 days, and if you're not completely satisfied, simply return it for a full refund.

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  • Supporting American Families

    The Rezzimax Tuner and accessories are designed, engineered and assembled right here in Cache Valley, Utah, ensuring the highest level of quality.

  • Thank You!

    We're grateful for all of our customers who nominated us for being the Coolest Thing Made in Utah 2020!

    Check out CTMU 

FDA Certificate

The FDA certificate confirms that our products are properly registered in the US with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the Company has officially obtained the right to sell our products within the US. It is not a one-time certification, since the FDA has ongoing clinical studies and continuously controls product quality. Even if a product has obtained the necessary certification to be produced and sold, the certification can be withdrawn if its quality is lowered in the future. The FDA certification is recognized globally and is a guarantee of high-level quality.